HVAC Myths that You Should Discard

People can easily spread myths and information about anything in this social media era. As a homeowner, you need to sieve the information you get about your HVAC systems to avoid damaging them. Working with a licensed technician can help you determine what information is accurate and what to avoid. Even some constantly repeated beliefs about your HVAC system may bring harm to your home. Therefore, before actualizing any information you find on the internet or from friends, it is best to verify it with trained technicians. They will guide you on what you must do to keep your unit functioning for its entire lifespan. 

Annual Maintenance Appointments Are Expensive

You might pay your experts to inspect your HVAC system, but the service helps to arrest any potential problems. The annual maintenance sessions allow us to thoroughly examine the registers, motors, and ducts to ensure everything works optimally. Failure to do this may result in significant unit damage that may cost you even more in repairs. Consistency in maintenance also improves the system’s energy efficiency and increases its lifespan. 

You Should Change Filters Annually

This assumption causes many households to have low indoor air quality since they live with clogged filters. As long as your AC and heater are running, the filter will accumulate dust particles and other small items in the vent. Therefore, you need to change the filter after several months to ensure that you enjoy improved airflow and reduce dust accumulation.  

You Should Shut Off the Vents in Unoccupied Rooms

Many homeowners do this to try and reduce the amount of energy used by their HVAC units. However, you exert extra pressure on the ducts, which puts them at risk of tearing. Additionally, unless there is perfect insulation in the room, the air may still flow in and out through the small gaps, thus affecting the rest of the house. 

Turning Off Your AC When You Leave the House Doesn’t Help

Some people believe the AC uses more energy to shut down and restart than running the entire day. This is not true. You only increase your energy bill when you leave your unit running the entire day and no one is home. It is best to turn the unit off and turn it on when you return. Adjusting the room temperature to what you want may take a few minutes, but it will save you a lot on bills. 


It is best to verify your information with our team of experts before practicing it. We will guide you on the best practices and how to avoid unit damage. Ensure you schedule regular inspection and maintenance sessions and use professional expertise in installation and repairs.
